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One importaint aspect I look for is the age, and I generally don't like players over the age of 30-31, so what I do in season 1 is the following - for my team Juventus..OK - Di Livio is 31, so season 97/98 will be his final hurrah for Juve, so throughout the season I look for a younger (21-25) A/M/R/C who can fill his position for a few years to come. Alirght, I have spotted 2 - Ibrahim Ba, AC Milan & Luis Madeira Figo, Barcelona. Both are currently unavailable. So I shortlist them & try in a few months..I also do this for strikers, mids, and defenders..Goalies generally are good till 33 so I have a few seasons left to find one..

Basically it's good to look for young talent, shortlist them, and watch how they fare over the season in their current team. Another TIP - try the French, Dutch, Italian, & Spanish u21 teams for good young players..Also some of the South American teams. Remember this also. Just cos you spot a player who scored 35 goals for his South African domestic team in the local league, doesn't mean he will be a success in the Serie A, Primera Liga etc, because you probably have realised the large differnce in difficulty between the Serie A & the South African league..But as I say, try, experiment & see what you end up with. Use your shortlist and see who is, and who isn't a good prospect..half the fun is seeing how they turn out!

Next Week..players who figure well in the Serie A - cheap & expensive ones!!

Happy CM'ering!
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